Author: Alia Dean

  • My Father’s Daughter

    A father is a girl’s first love. In my case, it’s arguably true. Dad and I share some great similarities just as much as we share our great differences. I like it when we can agree on things and I like it too if he disagrees without taking his daggers out. We can be respectably…

  • A Worried Mom’s Heart

    10 years into motherhood and I still struggle to find that balance. Every night, after a good amount of bedtime read, kiss, hug, chitchat and the remarkable saying of ‘I love you’ to my two boys to sleep, I would make a promise. A promise in the secrecy of my own heart. That I’d be…

  • The ‘Lady’ In Red

    Does it sound like a clown statement that the biggest and needless stumbling block in my life right now is my period? Before kids, it was a set of bloating and major cramps. After kids, the period kit received an upgrade. Not to something good but the opposite. I dread the time when I menstruate.…

  • The Old Me Made New

    I used to blog between 2011 to 2015 on a different blog site. On May 8th, 2011, I posted my first blog post only to revert all 112 blog posts to draft 4 years later. I supposed I no longer embodied the persona carried in that old blog. Enough of a reason to keep those…