Does it sound like a clown statement that the biggest and needless stumbling block in my life right now is my period?
Before kids, it was a set of bloating and major cramps. After kids, the period kit received an upgrade. Not to something good but the opposite. I dread the time when I menstruate. Days leading up to the first day are usually the worst. It gets me on all the wrongs, almost like a standing order for disorder. And to think that it takes place every month?
So I researched. Googled away for validation. I needed some answers whether my symptoms are validated or at least medical pros backed. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) as it says. The symptoms are extreme irritability, anxiety or depression. Extreme irritability is a close case. I matched the symptom.
My patience would wane with a notched up reek of rage and a head full of migraine bombs. If it’s a valid disorder I can’t be making this stuff up can I?
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