My Father’s Daughter

A father is a girl’s first love. In my case, it’s arguably true. Dad and I share some great similarities just as much as we share our great differences. I like it when we can agree on things and I like it too if he disagrees without taking his daggers out. We can be respectably alike or different, but right this instance, one similarity of ours spells disaster and that is honesty.

My dad’s moral compass is reverent. He’s immensely honest. Just one of his many good character traits. I share the same appreciation for honesty too. I’m lucky I don’t feel trapped with words around my dad. On his good days that is.

Yet sometimes, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Even a commendable virtue like honesty can’t escape.

The Story..

School run, meal prep, keeping myself active, work and managing my headstrong 4 year old all at once, really, someone should get me a medal.

Head was going 100km per second and I lost the sense of time. Ask me about the day and time then believe me, I would just stare back stupid. I had no idea. Positively out of touch with tons of build-up emotions and the last thing I need is an upset father.

Dad called me in those hours of numb and chaos. Our conversation was normal, the usual “How you been? What’s new? Are the boys well?” until it took a different turn. We got into an argument because we’re just too honest.

But I was certain I was being respectful. Perhaps dad was extra sensitive that day. I mean why would I pick up a fight with him? I’m over it.

Along came Raya…

A joyful Raya morning. The usual family photo moments and the diet-breaker Raya food. Then things went downhill. Dad nitpicked me over my coloured nails because come on he loves saying things with honesty. Seriously dad? Today? Am I eight? Guess he wasn’t done with our last call.

He hated them nails. Pettiness runs deep in his veins. I know. But that’s the kinda father I grew up with. I thought things would change when seeking Raya forgiveness from him but boy was I wrong. I was snubbed when I extended my hands to him.

Maybe my presence was a bad news so I left. I was just hoping our time apart could soften his nerves and that he would come around. Well he did. With an apology. Solved.

*Originally drafted in April 2022


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