I used to blog between 2011 to 2015 on a different blog site. On May 8th, 2011, I posted my first blog post only to revert all 112 blog posts to draft 4 years later.
I supposed I no longer embodied the persona carried in that old blog. Enough of a reason to keep those posts unpublished, hidden and for my eyes only.
Revisiting my old blog gives me some type of feeling. A trivial feeling like I am just moving thoughts down to keyboard and straight to online without heed.
The layout is dense with one picture for every post. My way-back pictures. Thin eyebrows with hardly any smile. Like I was a marvel of something good under that cryptic pretext. Gee whiz.
My old posts are loud. Almost as if I was speaking on a podium with a powered speaker before a thousand people. Guess it took me a while to be reasonably discreet and more intentional.
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